Bayis Sheli
Bayis Sheli is a specialist residential and respite home for children with severe disabilities, on a quiet site behind residential terraces in North London.
The chosen site, at the rear of back gardens to 4no terraces of houses, is linear in shape and has its own entrance road from the street.
The design comprises of 3no ‘blocks’ of accommodation set out on the site with linking structure providing ancillary spaces.
The first building nearest to the entrance is the largest and contains all the ‘public’ type accommodation. This building is undercut to allow for vehicles to turn and to provide cover when transferring the children. Beyond this first building only staff and residents have access to the further two buildings and site which contain the children’s bedrooms.
The 3no main buildings are tilted in plan to allow long views of the site and trees from the children’s bedrooms but not to create direct overlooking of the adjacent properties.
The building is a home for some of the children and great emphasis has been given to make the spaces architecturally interesting, stimulating and often fun. These aspirations will be achieved through the use of colour, high natural lighting, variable architecture and the introduction of random and specific features. Low level windows, pet enclosures and variable planting have been incorporated into the scheme as well as a hydrotherapy pool in the basement.